
Showing posts from March, 2012

Visions of the future

Here's a quick fake editorial from today.  Original article : Visions of the future - Katherine Wilson Really happy with this one, I tried to make sure the guy looked properly stranded.  Edit: yup, I've just noticed a pencil sharpening has made it's way onto the scanner. To be sorted soon...




Some little full colour images for my short wordless narrative about flying. Final thing should be up soon! 
Bit of feedback from anybody would be great. Just checking it all flows correctly, I found it really interesting how once I've been working on it for a while, I miss completely obvious discrepancies in the flow of the story...
A little test with digitally coloured versions of my prints. Only wish I had more coloured inks to use when actually printing it for real! Oh well.  Also, getting to the last stages of my graphic novel/wordless narrative which I'm actually pretty excited about. Hopefully I'll get up a quick scan of my roughs up later for people to see... if anyones actually reading this!

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. D&AD

Final [I think] artwork for the D&AD Student Competition. 

D&AD comp - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

Current sketches and ideas for the D&AD little white lies student competition. Feedback appreciated as always, but I think I'm onto something with the chess piece face! [hopefully]

3 out of 4

 I present to your, 3 out of the 4 panel story which I have been working on. This was more to see if I remembered how to work the multi-coloured lino printing, and it's gone pretty well! 3rd image to come soon... Missing panel here...