Ozil, among other things...

Time for a little update on here then I suppose.

Most excitingly, I'm becoming a relatively regular addition to the team at The Illustrated Game - a great football blog which shows off illustration talent alongside it's humourously written articles! Definitely worth checking out if you're a football fan, and they have a great weekly podcast too.

The second thing I've done for them is this picture of the new talismanic midfielder, Mesut Ozill, who has arrived in the Premier League probably to terrorise other clubs. Fingers crossed he's not THAT good eh...

Here's the first thing I did for them last season if any of you missed it! Pre Suarez-gate, the blossoming bromance of Luis and Danny. Awkwardly there now seems to be a little love triangle with the little guy Coutiniho, but we'll save that for another time maybe...

In other news, I'm also working on some graphic novel-y illustrations for a novel my bestest buddy is working on. Not a lot of finished work at the minute, but the story is sounding great and there's a lot of stuff to work with. Very dark, brooding, scary stuff. I'll post some work in progress very soon. 

Much love 


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